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January 1986/ Vol II No.3

January 1986/ Vol II No.3

How to submit articles and make the readers feel like part of the organization, relationship with Forestry improving – List of officers Talks about the organization growing and expectations for future growth NMFWA account balance - Barksdale AFB, size and management, Deer Heard Management, Small game management, Red River floodplain (flooding of hardwoods, Greentree reservoirs and diesel pumps), Aquatic weed control Information on NMFWA meeting in Reno, Nevada, Nominations for NMFWA board members, DOD Raptor Survey, NMFWA constitution and bylaws amendments, transplants of Virginia opossum (Didelphis Marsupials), Colorado State University offering two workshops, Waterfowl management meeting in Reno, Computer Newsletter established, 1986 Northeast fish and wildlife conference information Hunter education and steel shot, N.R. funding proposal controversial Tom Wilmers left Fort Sill, Job listing
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