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January 1990/ Vol VII No.1
January 1990/ Vol VII No.1
•List the Board of Directors
•Managing installations with added burdens, implore all members to increase their level of activity and add to the strength of the organization
•When, where and cost of the 1990 Annual Meeting and training session of the NMFWA, Theme for tne NMFWA meeting, programs and agenda are listed
•Number of members, Keeping current address up to date, Treasury balance, Information on advanced registration for Annual Meeting, Need help at registration desk
•Bylaw Committee members working on a revised draft
•Looking for individuals to run for office
•Questionnaire of military fish and wildlife management was sent out, Wants feedback on DOD Fish and Wildlife programs, Scott Klingar took new position at Fort Gillem, Ga
•List of proposed resolutions
• Information on Airlift of endangered Whooping Cranes from Patuxent Wildlife Research Center in Laurel, Maryland to International Crane Foundation in Baraboo, Wisconsin, Grants were provided
•Variety of habitat improvement techniques used to manage fisheries in small streams, reducing acidity by establishing lime dosers, assessing habitat conditions, Channel blocks-Channel constrictors-Bank crib with cover log, Gabions-Boulders/random rocks-Log and brush shelters-Single and double wing deflectors-Wedge and “K” dams
•Defensive tactics Seminar at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, Wildlife Law Enforcement Training Session, Sutton Avian Research Center in Bartlesville, Oklahoma released 129 bald eagles and hope to release more this spring – they request sighting be reported, MNFWA president Larry Adams accepted new position
•Thank you to the NMFWA members and committee members for their support and input
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