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January 1993/ Vol X No.1
January 1993/ Vol X No.1
•Issues about perception and responsibility, issues about the way DOD perceived, and Land Management Agency
•Information on the 1993 Training Workshop
•Would like for everyone to bring “things” from their installations and their part of the world to share with the rest
•Minutes from the 1992 NMFWA Law Enforcement training
•APG game wardens appear to be making more drug arrests than the regular MP’s, APG was recognized for protecting the Chesapeake Bay shoreline by transplanting vegetation and a wetlands delineation project, Saguaro Cactus designated as the Arizona State Flower is the largest cactus in Arizona, The impact of military training activities on the white-tail deer population at Fort Sill, Oklahoma
•Information on the 1993 NMFWA Wildlife Law Enforcement Training classes
•Unprofessional and vitriolic personal attacks made on a person for speaking his views
•Our efforts to promote the PIF/Neotropical Bird Program are going very well, List of lead DOD representatives, Couple of projects for consideration-Monitoring avian productivity and survivorship or MAPS for short-another project involves the development of bird lists for installations where birding can be promoted, Implement a DOD PIF programs
•A 3 year old oak regeneration project a NWSC, have been planting acorns and nursery stock of valley oak and blue oak
•List of the NMFWA nominees for offices
•Things to do while in Alaska during the 1994 DOD Wildlife Training Workshop
•Information on New Bird Books available
•Natural Resources position available
•Two students currently under the Cooperative Education Program in Fort McCoy’s Fish and Wildlife Program are available for appointment
•List of NMFWA Board of Directors
•List of Committees
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