July 1985/vol. 2 No.2
July 1985/vol. 2 No.2
*Where and when NMFWA workshop will be held in conjunction with North American Wildlife Conference, suggested topics, how to submit, nominate individuals for elected positions, proposed changed to NMFWA information, nominees in the 1985 DOD Natural Resources Conservation Award Program
*Markup of the Sikes Act Bill virtually every item we hoped to see was included, Board of Directors authorized letter to the Defense Natural Resources Group urging it to use its influence to obtain DOD support for the bill, status of H.R. 1202, what you can do to help, copy of letter
*NMFWA checking account balance of $255.01
* Attention of H.R. 1202 information may be found in the Wild side
* Bluebird Nest Boxes, installation, success rates, parasitism and how mounted
* A 62,463-acre tract of land located 75 miles southwest of Indianapolis is administered by the Naval Weapons Support Center, Crane Indiana – fishing, hunting, hardwood timber, floodwater retarding structures and a wide variety of wildlife. Also, wildlife research is carried out on the property
* DOD NR Workshop, Deer-Aircraft collisions, Camp Lejeune NC initiated governmental study of the Red Cockaded Woodpecker, attack on DOD land management policies, Fort Richardson, AK discovered several hundred dead waterfowl on impact area, DOD Conservation Awards winner was announced, Bird Aircraft Strike Hazard training seminar was held,
*Need for Job vacancy advertising and how to do it, Lead shot vs steel shot hot issue for wildlife managers, Salaries for wildlife managers compares to forestry – a proposal was submitted
* Al Pfister left Fort Sill