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March 1985/ Vol I No.1
March 1985/ Vol I No.1
Information about Newsletter, List of officers, NMFWA checking account balance, new employees – job openings
Talks about Newsletter and how to make it better, outdoor observations – size of buck’s rack – reason for the number of deer you see while black powder hunting – how to bring home a big bass – increase rabbit population – planning camping trip
Catch-all to form the membership of newsletter development, assorted NMFWA business or anything else that does not fit elsewhere – Fort Carson, Colorado awarded the Wildlife Federation Conservation Organization of the Year Award – Firt Lewis, Wash Widgeon feeding, record Chum (dawg) salmon run, large rush of poachers stopped by the Huskey Wardens, Cookie Cutter boat used to open blocked salmon spawning areas
Hiring staff and keeping them from going to other agencies – tentative date set for reauthorization the Sikes Act – rumor …. a bill to prevent contracting of fish and wildlife activities will be introduced- 2 Letters sent to Secretary Weinberger to bring his attention to the significant concerns to the membership of the NMFWA
Will describe the location, habitat types, and current fish and wildlife management programs – Designed to be question/answer column
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