March 1985 / Vol2 No. 1
March 1985 / Vol2 No. 1
· Information about Newsletter, List of officers, NMFWA checking account balance, new employees – job openings
· Talks about Newsletter and how to make it better, outdoor observations – size of buck’s rack – reason for the number of deer you see while black powder hunting – how to bring home a big bass – increase rabbit population – planning camping trip
· Catch-all to form the membership of newsletter development, assorted NMFWA business or anything else that does not fit elsewhere – Fort Carson, Colorado awarded the Wildlife Federation Conservation Organization of the Year Award – Firt Lewis, Wash Widgeon feeding, record Chum (dawg) salmon run, large rush of poachers stopped by the Huskey Wardens, Cookie Cutter boat used to open blocked salmon spawning areas
· Hiring staff and keeping them from going to other agencies – tentative date set for reauthorization the Sikes Act – rumor …. a bill to prevent contracting of fish and wildlife activities will be introduced- 2 Letters sent to Secretary Weinberger to bring his attention to the significant concerns to the membership of the NMFWA
· Will describe the location, habitat types, and current fish and wildlife management programs – Designed to be question/answer column