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September 1994/ Vol XI No.3

September 1994/ Vol XI No.3

•Some of the highlights in this issue •The journey of the Sikes Act – It fails •Anne DeBeve will be working on the NMFWA Brochure •Signed an agreement with the Huntsville, Al office of the Army Corps of Engineers to act as the primary contractor for the administration of the Natural Resources Communications Workshop •Camp Edwards, Ma -finished the second year of mammal surveys and the first year of bird surveys, West Point Military Academy, NY -Foresters here have been monitoring experimental plots of seedlings with tree shelters, Pittsburgh District, USACOE -Mike Fowles is using a technique called “spearing” to set osprey platform poles, Pease Angb, NH -Upland sandpipers were filmed, only breeding population known in New Hampshire, Fort Devens, Ma -A three year study of Blanding’s turtles is ending the autumn •Fort Devens played an important role in the development and evaluation of high visibility colors for safety equipment •Bill Berry’s article on development of the Camp Roberts environmental and natural resources program •Need Awards nomination – nomination awards form •Information on the 60th North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference March 26-31 1995 •Job Announcements •NMFWA Board of Directors •NMFWA Committee Chairs

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