September1989 /Vol. VI No. 3
September1989 /Vol. VI No. 3
· List the Board of Directors
· Four resolutions was adopted, Report on the 5th DOD Wildlife Law Enforcement Training Session, Putting together program for 1990 annual meeting-need support from all members, other NMFWA committees are also making progress for the meeting, Announcements from the Awards-Poster Session and Program Committee, Developing guidelines and duties to hand over to new officers, appointed a liaison to the NMFWA , Annual meeting is less the 6 months away -initiate the paperwork
· Cost of the FAWN, Bank balance, Number of members, Need current address and phone numbers of members
· Cost of the March 20-22 1990 annual meeting, Theme for the NMFWA meeting, Information for presenting a paper and abstracts, Looking for members interested in serving on the Board for 1990-91, Submit nomination for the NNFWA awards program
· Deer tick were discovered on Fort McCoy in 1979, 2 students with different symptoms, LD research and development, Preventive medical detachments began to work with NFMD during muzzle-loader and gun-deer seasons, 1985 a LD Coordinator was appointed to oversee the work, Tick surveillance project for April-October
· Fort Carson Military Reservation – where located, how many acres, terrain dominated by shortgrass prairie with pinyon pine and one-seed juniper and other habitat types, Wildlife on Fort Carson Military Reservation, Hunting, Renovating reservoirs, Pinon Canyon management, Fisheries program, Small reservoirs are managed as brood ponds-Greenback cutthroat trout-Arkansas darters and southern red-bellied dace, Breeding program
· List of reference about the fisheries profession
· The “no net loss of wetlands being studied, Information on the CE Wildlife Resources Management Manual and Wetlands Delineation Manual, Material on dredging- Training courses on dredged material management
· Net loss of wetlands, George Bush’s recent endorsement of a “no net loss” policy was acknowledged
· Steps by Navy lands to increase of wetlands
· Department of Defense announces winner of the 1988 Secretary of Defense Natural Resources Conservation Awards
· Department of Defense announces winner of the 1988 Secretary of Defense Environmental Quality Awards
· Information- short course on Riparian Ecosystems, Symposium on Urban Wildlife, Call for Papers-Western/Northwest Sections, Information on the North American Conference set for Denver, news from the ODASD