The NMFWA Climate Change Working Group (CCWG)Â was established to share information among NMFWA members regarding the management of natural resources on US military lands and waters in the context of an ever-changing environment. The goals of the NMFWA Climate Change Working Group are to:
Facilitate communication and information exchange among members of NMFWA and the DoD interested or involved with climate change effects on natural resources at military installations.
Increase awareness of issues related to adaptive management of natural resources in response to climate change at military installations.
Climate Adaptation For DoD Natural Resource Managers
DoD, working with the National Wildlife Federation and the Naval Information Warfare Center Pacific, developed and published the Guide to help installation managers implement guidance from DoDM 4715.03. This guidance calls for installations to address climate considerations in Integrated Natural Resources Management Plans (INRMPs). The Guide provides installation managers with tools to help identify how climatic change might impact military lands and resources, and provides a structured process for incorporating such considerations into the INRMP.
The Guide along with supporting worksheets are available at both of the links below.
https://www.denix.osd.mil/nr/dodadaptationguide/ ​​ ​
​A Commander’s Guide of the Climate Adaptation for Natural Resource Managers is also available online at:
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