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The Outdoor Recreation Working Group is concerned with recreational activities involving natural resources on military installations. Specific subjects within the scope of this working group include but are not limited to hunting, fishing, trapping, wildlife-viewing, camping, public access, permits, fish and wildlife management activities in support of recreational activities, outreach, off-road vehicles, etc.

The Outdoor Recreation Working Group was formed to:

  • Facilitate communication and information exchange among members of NMFWA who are responsible for Outdoor Recreation or those who have an interest in Outdoor Recreation.

  • Enhance knowledge and technical capabilities of Department of Defense natural resources mangers in the area of Outdoor Recreation.

  • Increase awareness and appreciation within DOD of Outdoor Recreation issues and decision-making processes.

To achieve these goals, the Working Group:

  • Provides regular communication among members of NMFWA interested in Outdoor Recreation through e-mail discussions, meetings, symposia, workshops, newsletters, specialty publications, and other means.

  • Promotes membership in NMFWA to DOD outdoor recreation and natural resources professionals interested in outdoor recreation.

  • Provides information and technical assistance to NMFWA members in the area of outdoor recreation.

  • Makes recommendations to the NMFWA Board of Directors for specific actions by NMFWA in the area of outdoor recreation.

  • Develops draft technical reviews, position statements, and other materials in the area of outdoor recreation for consideration by the NMFWA Board of Directors.

  • Provides information and technical assistance to government officials, journalists, educators, other organizations, and the general public in the area of outdoor recreation.

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