Department of Defense Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation (DoD PARC) Network Update
Chris Petersen, Senior Natural Resources Specialist, Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command Atlantic: christopher.e.petersen4.civ@us.navy.mil
Rob Lovich, Senior Natural Resources Specialist, Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command Southwest: rob.lovich@navy.mil
·Session Summary:
Our technical session will cover a variety of topics related to the conservation and management of reptiles and amphibians on military lands in support of the Strategic Plan for Amphibian and Reptile Conservation and Management on Department of Defense Lands. We will discuss current, new, and future DoD PARC products such as the Timber Rattlesnake conservation action plan, podcasts, best management practices documents, species profile videos, and the western pond turtle memorandum of understanding. Furthermore, we will present on new and emerging techniques and research opportunities for monitoring herpetofauna and highlight specific DoD PARC projects currently being conduct on military lands (including our 2022 Snake Fugal Disease project and bioacoustics loggers). Lastly, we will update you on national PARC initiatives in addition to recent Endangered Species Act listing decisions made by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.