DoD Installation Operations Partnering with NGOs to Accomplish Natural Resource Objectives
Lewis Gorman III, Cherry Hill Environmental Board Member, USFWS Retirees Association:
This session will explore the principles of using conservation focused NGOs in achieving the goals and objectives of DoD installations natural resource management.
This session will explain how DoD installation natural resource managers and staff can assist Scouts with natural resource guidance and conservation assistance while accomplishing needed natural resource projects on military installations. Examples of opportunities include assisting Scouts achieve natural resource awards while completing natural resource projects on DoD installations resulting in situations that benefit wildlife and their habitats as well as outreach and trail projects. This includes Eagle Scout projects. Examples from other NGOs include participation in Volunteer Vacations with the American Hiking Society and the USFWS Retirees Association.
Creating win-win situations at low or no cost will be shown and discussed. This kind of partnering will illustrate the concept of enhancing the outreach and community involvement component of a DoD installation’s natural resource program to bolster the strength of the installation’s submission to the Secretary of Defense Natural Resource Awards Program, earning more points in this tough national competition.