NSF Dahlgren Pollinator Habitat Conservation Plan
John Cannon, Senior Analyst, Marstel-Day: jcannon@marstel-day.com
Travis Wray, Natural Resources and Restoration Manager, NSF Dahlgren: travis.w.wray.civ@us.navy.mil
Shelbi Pullen, Range Sustainment Program Manager, Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command Atlantic: shelbi.g.pullen.civ@us.navy.mil
Jennifer Allen, Assistant Chief of Wildlife Division, Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources: jenn.allen@dwr.virginia.gov
Over the past decade, the Department of Defense (DOD) has recognized the importance of pollinator habitat, issuing several DOD Instructions and memos that expand DOD policy to use current best management practices (BMPs) to protect pollinators and their habitat. It is within this context that the Navy decided to undertake an assessment of existing pollinator habitat, identify areas for the restoration or creation of pollinator habitat, and formulate BMPs that will serve to reduce negative impacts on, and improve the condition of, existing pollinator habitat and native pollinator populations at Naval Support Facility (NSF) Dahlgren. A GIS model was developed to assess current pollinator habitat suitability on NSF Dahlgren based on landscape and local-scale factors such as surrounding landcover, proximity to water, forest edge, and habitat patch size and proximity to other habitat patches. Existing land use constraints affecting the feasibility of implementing pollinator habitat conservation measures such as pollinator habitat restoration or BMP implementation were then identified and modeled in GIS. Using the results of these analyses, new potential pollinator habitat restoration sites were identified in addition to sites previously identified by installation staff. A field site assessment was then conducted at a portion of these sites to evaluate existing pollinator habitat quality, and potential restoration sites were prioritized based on the GIS model and field site visit results.