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USFWS Pollinator Conservation


AnneMarie Krmpotich, National Pollinator Coordinator, US Fish & Wildlife Service:


Evidence has shown long-term declines in populations of pollinator species. Familiar and iconic species like monarch butterfly and less known species like the island marble butterfly Franklin's bumblebee have garnered recent attention, but many more pollinator species are in decline. We need a national strategy, new science and understanding, and engaged communities acting. This is a conservation issue that requires national attention across all sectors of society. Partnerships remain a key component to this conservation crisis in order to maximize outcomes, especially with the Department of Defense. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is encountering an increasing number of pollinator species being petitioned for federal protections under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). The Service's approach to address the decline in pollinator species and their habitats is a multifaceted effort using the strategic habitat conservation framework. Investing in areas of conservation delivery, research and monitoring, and education and outreach has been the focus for the past several years. Our goal is to be proactive and to use innovative solutions to prevent the need to list pollinators under the ESA. This presentation will highlight the social and environmental benefits of managing lands - big or small - to benefit native pollinators, and simple actions that natural resource professionals can take now to help in the movement to protect and conserve pollinators on military installations. It will also cover opportunities for installations to partner with the Service on potential pollinator projects.

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