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2025 Proposal Submission


NMFWA is holding its Annual Workshop in Louisville, KY on March 9-14, 2025. Proposals for training workshops, special technical sessions, and or papers on emerging and relevant topics, as well as ideas for field trips in the Louisville area, are now being accepted.

Session Types

Training Sessions: Training sessions are designed to provide members an opportunity to learn through participation, discussion and/or demonstration and to become more proficient in a specific technique, process, or skill. Trainings may be a half- (4 hours) or full-day (8 hours) in length and will be scheduled on the Monday or Friday of the NMFWA Workshop. A Certificate of Completion for each participant is required for every training session. Training organizers are required to provide a suggested maximum number of attendees and will be responsible for coordination with the NMFWA Workshop Program Chair.

Technical Papers/Sessions or Panel Discussion: These include oral presentations or a panel of experts that address new and emerging topics. Single paper submissions are welcome. For Special Sessions or if you are requesting a Panel Discussion, organizers will be responsible for coordinating with the NMFWA Workshop Program Chair, planning and moderating their session or panel, selecting speakers/presenters, and meeting required deadlines for abstracts. Papers/Session time
recommendations range from a single 20-minute presentation to a maximum of a 2-hour special session or panel discussion.

Field Trips: If you have an idea for a field trip or would like to organize a field trip that could be held in or around the Louisville Area, ideas and suggestions are welcome.

NoteWorking Group Business Meetings are automatically provided and are limited to 30 minutes for business purposes only.

Proposal Submissions & Requirements

Deadline for submission is September 20th! Presenters and Session Chairs will be notified if their proposals have been accepted by October 11th, at the latest.


Proposals submitted after the deadline will not be considered unless there cancellations or otherwise open time gaps in the agenda.


Please fill out the form below with your proposal information. When complete, hit "Submit" at the bottom of the form. You will receive an email from "" confirming your submission.

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Property of The National Military Fish and Wildlife Association  

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