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Russ Lawrence



  • Serves a two-year term, elected on odd-numbered years, by simple majority of the membership vote.

  • Maintains the Association funds in a federally insured institution that is willing to conduct business by mail, in person, and the internet. The Association currently maintains an account at Capital One Spark Business, which does not charge the Association for its services.  A second person should be authorized to access bank accounts for the Association in the event that the Treasurer is unable to conduct Association financial business.

  • Holds the NMFWA credit card for use throughout the year.

  • Maintains an account book that is uniform from year to year.  A calendar year format with transactions recorded by month for tax accounting and audit purposes shall be used.  Receipts, invoices, bank statements, etc. should be filed in folders (or large envelopes) by calendar year. These should be also be scanned and saved as PDF files.

  • Furnishes copies of all records to the Audit Committee upon request of that committee.

  • Maintains the financial records on the Association’s computer.

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