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June 1995/ Vol XII No.2
June 1995/ Vol XII No.2
•Accepting rapidly changing environment and adapting
•Sikes Act working its way through Congress again
•Endangered species issue raised – Discussion of the Sikes Act Amendment – Valarie Morrill summarized the Development Committee’s progress – Association Meetings in Tulsa in 1996 – Sheridan Stone reported that Bat Conservation International is interested in an MOU with DoD on protecting bat habitat - Julie Eliason discussed plans for member expertise data base
•Endangered Species Exempions
•Migratory Bird Books Available
•Topic Suggestions for our 1996 program
•Training Session Abtracts – Minnesota Army National Guard on Natural Resources Management – Military Mission through Ecosystem Management at Eglin AFB Florida – Integrated Natural Rssources Management Plans and Ecosystem Management – Transboundary Landscape approach to wildlife management on department of defense lands
•Ecosystem Management a state’s perspective – outdoor recreation at Avon Park Air Force Range, Florida – Outdoor Recreation on Tyndall AFB, Florida
•Management of an Introduced Caribou Herd on the ADAK, Alaska Naval Reservation
•Status of the Timber Rattlesnake, a State listed threatened species on the West Point Military Reservation
•The Range buffer lands provide support for several protected endangered and threatened species
•Striking a balance between the Red-Cockaded Woodpecker conservation and the military mission on Fort Stewart, Ga
•Environmental stewardship of Air Force Ranges
•Development of a Regional Strategy for managing threatened and endangered species on DoD Miliary installations
•Animal damage control: Focusing on the future
•Turtles and Terns on the menu-predator control issues associated with rare species in Massachusetts
•Home Range of breeding common Ravens on Camp Pendleton, California research and application
•NMFW Board of Directors
•NMFWA Committee Chairs
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