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September 1993/ Vol X No.3
September 1993/ Vol X No.3
•Two important issues – Sikes Act reauthorization – DOD Conservation Law Enforcement Program
•Training needs assessment for natural resources management – Results of US Army Threatened and Endangered Species Survey-Forces Command Environmental Program – Using the Assessment System for Aircraft Noise (ASAN) for Wildlife -Managing for Biodiversity: New Opportunities and Challenges for DOD -Cultural Resources Role in an Integrated Military Conservation Program – Status of the DOD Partners in Flight Program – NEPA as a Tool for Reducing Risk to Programs and Program Managers – Integrated Natural Resources Planning: Process VS. Content – Developing Partners for Research and Research Management
•A letter written to President Clinton drafted by the NMFEA Board of Directors
•Defense consistently refuses to accept Congressional funding for the Legacy program
•New climate for conservation programs in DOD – Greater awareness of and understanding for conservation issues
•NMFWA is continuing to work closely with staffers on the House Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee on the revision of the Sikes Act
•Partners in Flight Program – Lists some of the projects underway and being developed
•A proposal entitled A Unified and Standardized DOD Conservation Law Enforcement Program was presented to the DNRC and was well received
•List of the Proposed Bylaw Changes – Ballot
•List of the nomination categories for awards nominations
•Law Enforcement Training-fort Carson, Colorado June 14 –18, classes were wildlife forensics, officer survival and wildlife laws – very positive comments about benefits of training – video recording of classroom training
•NE Region
•Field Notes- - request by Wisconsin DNR to establish & native plant seed orchard – volunteers for bluebird nest boxes – deflectors paced downstream of Union Village Dan by Trout Unlimited chapter – Atlantic salmon fry released
•NAWC Bluebird Nestbox Program – 21 bluebird nestboxes of varying designs were placed
•Over 230 papers on Red-cockaded Woodpeckers was presented at the university of Alaska in Fairbanks Alaska
•Report of impact of airboats on about 65 square miles of Fort Wainwright , Alaska
•Where to send dead raptors – Bald Eagles, Golden Eagles and Red-tailed Hawks to be permitted out to keep the poaching down – hoe to send them
•Air fare pricing for the 1994 Fish and Wildlife Training Workshop in Anchorage, Alaska
•Employment Opportunity
•NMFWA Board of Directors
•NMFWA Committee Chairs
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