NWFWA Pollinator WG colleagues,
Hope this finds you well. I’m afraid, we have been horribly remiss about sending out any PWG correspondence since the March NMFWA. This is mostly due to our email overseers making it difficult to send out group emails. Hopefully this note will make it to some of you. In any case, herewith a comprehensive list of Natural Resources related links to include some invasive species and pollinator related material.
Maybe you already have this book marked, I found this site amazing and well worth forwarding to our members. As always, let me know if you wish to be removed from this mailing list.
In the coming weeks, we’ll likely send out a request for pollinator projects on DoD lands to add to our growing inventory and share with our community. In the meantime, if you have pollinator (or invasive species) project you wish to showcase on our AFPMB website, please send me a link and will put it up. In a shameless plug, please check out our revised AFPMB website and like our Facebook page, now with ~1000 members. We post PM and NR related material daily.
Additionally, if anyone has any pollinator projects or stories on DoD lands that they’d like to showcase on this blog, please send us an email.
Hope this finds you well.
Doug and Charlie