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West Regional Director 2

Rich Riddle

West  Regional Director 2


  • Correspond with and serve as a liaison with the membership regarding Association matters, news, etc.

  • Provide assistance to the President.

  • Serve a two-year term, elected by simple majority of the membership vote. One position in each of the three membership regions (West, Central, and East) shall be elected in even-numbered years and the others in odd-numbered years to maintain continuity.

  • Make regular progress reports to the President and submit necessary items for approval prior to taking action.

  • Serve on the Membership Committee and assist the Chair by soliciting new members and maintaining current addresses for active members.

  • Serve as members of the Outreach Committee.

  • Assist the Program Chair by soliciting technical papers for the Annual Training Workshop.

  • Assist the Newsletter Editor by preparing news items for the newsletter, and soliciting articles from the membership.  The Regional Directors are responsible for submitting or soliciting at least one article for each edition of the newsletter.

  • The three Regional Directors whose terms are not expiring shall serve on the Nominations Committee to provide a slate of officers for the following year.

  • The Regional Director (in the second year of their term) in the region in which the Annual Training Workshop is being held shall be the Host Committee Chair or appoint a Host Committee chair.

  • The Regional Director (in the first year of their term) in the region in which the Annual Training Workshop is being held shall serve on the Host Committee.

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