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2024 Proposed Amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws

President Wright requested the Resolutions Committee to review the Association’s Constitution and Bylaws and recommend changes ahead of the 2024 Annual Training Workshop. The Resolutions Committee Chair, Mr. McNaughton, consulted with several committees and individuals affected by possible amendments and then drafted the proposed amendments and provided them to the President and Board. The proposed bylaw amendments were discussed and approved by the Board of Directors on 22 February 2024 to send to the membership for vote.


Summary of changes:

The changes proposed are meant to make the Association more efficient and effective, modernizing some of the language in the Constitution and Bylaws while also rearranging committee structures to provide better communication and collaboration across tasks. The largest change is the dissolution of the standing Newsletter Committee and absorb it into the Outreach Committee. This change is a reflection of how the Association communicates and promotes itself and the merging of communication and self-promotion in society. The second most formative change is a restructuring of the former standing Awards Committee into the standing Recognitions Committee, incorporating the Hall of Fame as a subcommittee and providing structure and times to determine content for the recognitions ceremony. Beyond these changes, a host of minor changes are included to perform Association business virtually and fix minor inconsistencies and vague clauses. All of these proposed amendments will be brought to the floor at the Annual Members’ Meeting for an in-person vote.

Summary Of Proposed Constitution and Bylaw Amendments

2024 Constitution & Bylaw  Amendment Comments

Proposed Amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws

ARTICLE I – Name, Section 1:


Former wording: The name of this organization shall be the National Military Fish and Wildlife Association, hereinafter referred to as the Association.


Proposed wording: The name of this organization shall be the National Military Fish and Wildlife Association (NMFWA), hereinafter referred to as the Association.

ARTICLE III – Organization, Section 2:


Former wording: … The Board shall establish the boundaries between the three regions with the goal of having the membership reasonably divided between the three regions. Geographic features (rivers, state lines, etc.) will be considered. Command personnel with nationwide responsibility will not be considered in this process….


Proposed wording: ...The Board shall establish the boundaries between the three regions with the goal of having the membership reasonably divided between the three regions. Geographic features (rivers, state lines, etc.) will be considered when establishing the Association’s regions. Command personnel with nationwide responsibility will not be considered in the process of establishing the Association’s regional boundaries......

ARTICLE IV – Committees

Remove Section 3. Newsletter Committee in its entirety and renumber the following sections accordingly.  Newsletter Committee becomes a subcommittee of the outreach committee.

Article IV

Section 5:


Former wording: Section 5. Awards Committee
The Awards Committee Chairperson shall be appointed by the President. The Chairperson, At-Large Directors, and two non-Board members shall comprise the Awards Committee. The Chairperson shall select the two non-Board committee members. This committee will seek nominations, evaluate nominees, and recommend Association awards to be given to the selected individuals or groups. The Board has the authority to approve Awards Committee recommendations. This committee will complete its recommendations at least 60 days prior to the proposed date of award presentation. The committee will prepare press releases for each recipient and provide these to the nominators.


Proposed wording: Section 5. Recognitions Committee

The Recognitions Committee Chairperson shall be appointed by the President. The Chairperson, At-Large Directors, and Subcommittee Chairpersons shall serve on the Committee. The Committee shall have two Subcommittees, Awards and Hall of Fame (HOF). Subcommittee functions and structures shall be established by motions of the Board. The Subcommittees will seek nominations, evaluate nominees, and recommend Association recognitions to be given to the selected individuals or groups. The Board has the authority to approve Recognitions Committee recommendations. This Committee will complete its recommendations at least 60 days prior to the proposed date of the recognition presentation except in cases such as honorariums that are urgent and unexpected. The committee will prepare press releases for each recipient and provide these to the nominators and the Outreach Committee.

Section 6. Resolutions Committee:


Former wording: … Approved resolutions will be published in the next Association newsletter following the annual business meeting.


Proposed wording: …Approved resolutions will be published in the next Association newsletter, on the website, and distributed by any other means employed by the Association following the annual business meeting.

Article IV Section 7. Outreach Committee:


Former wording: The Outreach Committee Chairperson shall be appointed by the President…


Proposed wording: The Outreach Committee Chairperson shall be appointed by the President. The Committee shall include the Newsletter Editor, the Website Coordinator, and Regional Directors....


Former wording: …The Chairperson will coordinate with the President and Treasurer regarding any business details between the Association and an internal or external webmaster.


Proposed wording: …The Chairperson or his/her designee will coordinate with the President and Treasurer regarding any business details between the Association and an internal or external webmaster.

ARTICLE V –Section 2. Meetings


Former wording: The Board may meet physically, through correspondence (hardcopy or electronic), or by telephone to conduct business of the Association, as deemed necessary by the President.


Proposed wording: The Board may meet physically, through correspondence (hardcopy or electronic), by telephone, or by electronic or virtual means to conduct business of the Association, as deemed necessary by the President.

ARTICLE VII – Elected Positions

Section 1. President.


Former wording: He/she shall be a member of the nominations committee.


Proposed wording: ...He/she shall be ex officio a member of all Committees serving the Board...

ARTICLE VII – Elected Positions

Section 7. Regional Directors

Change who’s to whose for correct grammar.

ARTICLE VII – Elected Positions

Section 8. At-Large Directors.


Former wording: …They shall assist the President as required, particularly with regards to awards nominations, newsletter articles, outreach, and serve as members of the Awards Committee.


Proposed wording: …They shall assist the President as required, particularly with regards to awards and recognitions nominations, newsletter articles, outreach, and serve as members of the Recognitions Committee and Awards Subcommittee.

ARTICLE IX – Amendments


Former Wording: The Constitution and Bylaws may be amended at any business meeting of the Association by a two-thirds majority of the voting membership present provided a written notification of intended changes is presented to such members at least 30 days prior to the vote. The Constitution and Bylaws may also be amended by mail ballot following advertisement of the proposed changes in the Association's newsletter. Approval by a two-thirds majority of the responding voting membership is required.


Proposed Wording: The Constitution and Bylaws may be amended at any business meeting of the Association by a two- thirds majority of members in attendance. Notification of intended changes will be presented to members at least 30 days prior to a vote. Proposed amendments and associated notifications will be published in the Association newsletter, on the Association website, and distributed by any other means employed by the Association.

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