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March 1992/ Vol IX No.2
March 1992/ Vol IX No.2
•List of Board Members
•List of Committees
•Endowment for Larry Adams, Accomplishments of Larry Adams
•North American Wetlands set up system of grants for wetland conservation projects
•A National teleconference on Wildlife Conservation and the Hunting Tradition will be offered
•Colorado State university is offering a short course in Wildlife Management
•Rather than flowers being sent for Larry Adams please make donations to the Association
•Fishery Information Management Systems, Inc (FIMS) provides professional assistance to fishery forestry, and wildlife biologist and managers
•Biologists should strive to present ourselves in a professional manner but not judge a book by its cover
•Law enforcement officers on military installations responded to the questionnaire in Sept 1991 FAWN
•Swallows begin their ancient journey north devouring tons and tons of insects enroute, The Cliff Swallow is identified as a special concern, Steps to deter nesting can be expensive to implement and labor intensive, a recommendation was using monofilament fishing line
•Update your mailing address
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