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Spokane Washington

2022 Annual Meeting

March 14-18 2022


The use of insecticides to increase aviation safety
Development and Integration of the AFSEC BASH Dashboard Pilot

Bat Conservation

Working Group Summary Slide
Surveys of Tricolored Bat Winter-roost Structures on Eglin AFB and Hurlburt Field, 2019-2022
Utilizing Advanced Genetic Methods in DoD Natural Resource Management: Multifaceted DNA Metabarcoding and Bats
Automating large scale collection, processing, and reporting of bat acoustic recordings by leveraging Florida USAF-USFWS partnership resources at Avon Park Air Force Range.
Bats on Bases: Surveys, Research, and Conservation
Implementing NABat: Tools, Resources and Digital Infrastructure
A Review of the upcoming Species Status Assessments and Listing Decisions for the Northern Long-eared Bat, Tri-colored Bat, and Little Brown Bat
Bat Conservation

Bird Conservation

Working Group Summary Slide
Examining the relationship between anthropogenic noise and nesting raptors during the COVID-19 pandemic
Combining Point Count and Demographic Data for Comprehensive Bird Population Trend Assessment at the Fort Custer Training Center and the Kalamazoo Nature Center
Eagle management by Luke AFB: Developing an adaptive strategy to manage low-level military airspace to comply with the Bald & Golden Eagle Protection Act
Bird Conservation

Climate Change

Working Group Summary Slide
Actions by the DoD Chesapeake Bay Program to address Climate Resilience Goals and Outcomes in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed – Implications for Natural Resources Management
Contrasting Riparian Plant Vulnerability to Drought and Climate Change by Plant Functional Type
Natural Resource Management and Conservation Challenges and Considerations Addressing Vulnerability to Climate Changes
Assessing Riparian Habitat Vulnerability to Climate Change in Drylands
Climate Change

Invasive Species

Working Group Summary Slide
A Program to Eradicate Argentine Ants for San Clemente Island, California
EDRR in the Utah National Guard - Treating Invasive Species as Biological Wildfire
Joint Region Marianas Biosecurity Program EDRR
Battling a beautiful beast: Stinknet on the Barry M. Goldwater Range East
Invasive Feral and Free-ranging Domestic Cats - a Significant Threat to Biodiversity, as Well as Human Health and the Welfare of Other Domestic Animals
Response to Invasive Apple Snails at Hurlburt Field – What Do You Do When You Can’t Follow the Generally Accepted Control Guidance?
Ecosystem Resilience Through Early Detection Rapid Response Weed Management at Naval Weapons Station Seal Beach Detachment Fallbrook
Invasive Species


Working Group Summary Slide
Department of Defense Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation (DoD PARC) Network Update

Natural Resource Conservation

The Creation of Vegetation Classification GIS Data for the Air Force
Incorporating Endangered Species Act Section 7(a)(1) Into Integrated Natural Resource Management Plans
DOD Wildfire Hazard Analysis
Climate Change Induced Wildfire Hazard Analysis
Natural Resources


Creating an Installation-wide Library of Improved Distribution Maps to Guide Stewardship of Priority Species

Outdoor Recreation

Working Group Summary Slide
Outdoor Recreation


Partnering for Solutions: DOD Regional Environmental Coordinators Protect Species and the DOD Training Mission
DoD Installation Operations Partnering with NGOs to Accomplish Natural Resource Objectives


Working Group Summary Slide
NSF Dahlgren Pollinator Habitat Conservation Plan
An Overview of Pollinator Conservation in the Northeast
Conservation Implications: Developing Strategies for Pollinator Conservation on Military Lands
USFWS Pollinator Conservation
Using a Distance Sampling Approach to Monitor Population Trends of Imperiled Butterflies
Use of molecular tools and autonomous game cameras for monitoring at-risk pollinators and plant-pollinator interactions
Karner Blue Butterfly Management and Off-Site Mitigation on Fort McCoy
A Comparative Invertebrate Study of Oregon Military Department Installations in 3 Ecoregions – Assessment of Assemblages and Sampling Mythologies

Service Break-Outs

Rediscovery of an endangered salamander on Hurlburt Field, FL: evaluating eDNA as a monitoring tool for a rare species
Army Climate Strategy
Army Wildland Fire Management
IMCOM HQ G-4 Environmental
USAEC Updates
Army - IMCOM Wildland Fire Program
Army Breakout
US Geological Survey Ecosystems Science
Service Break-Outs

Technology Application

Motus: A tool for combining flight safety, compliance, and conservation at U.S. Air Force Installations
Working Group Summary Slide
Satellite-Connected Remote Monitoring of Ground-Based Sensor Data on DoD Lands
AI-Enabled Wildlife Monitoring System: Automatic Bird Detection and Behavior Classification at Military Installations with Solar Farms
Motus: A tool for combining flight safety, compliance, and conservation at U.S. Air Force Installations
Current Status of Drones and DoD Civilian Opportunities
Studying Activity with Ultrasonic Recorders and Thermal Imaging - A Case Study on Bats and Mice
Technology Application

Wildland Fire

Working Group Summary Slide
Wildland Fire
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